
Attachmentscrypto - 19011 solves

The deal is simple: I give you an oracle, you give me an oracle in return.


4 hours


We have the ciphertext of our target y, and the ciphertext of 1. We have three operations: add, mul and negate with modulo 0xfffffed83c17. The service run these operations on plaintext and return the encrypted result to us. Our goal is to decrypt y.



  1. Get the order of y in each subgroup.
  2. Recover the order of y using CRT.
  3. Calculate y.

The cardinality of integer mod p is p-1, which is 2 * 3^2 * 7 * 13^4 * 47 * 103 * 107 * 151 in this task. We can find the order of y in each subgroup and recover order of y, just like what we do in pohlig-hellman.

To find a generator, we can use sage:

G = IntegerModRing(0xfffffed83c17)
print(G.multiplicative_generator()) # 5

so our goal is to find o = log_5(y).

Take the subgroup of cardinality of 7 as an example:

Let a = pow(y, (p-1) // 7, p)
Find i such that
pow(5, (p-1) // 7, p) = pow(a, i, p)
which means
o * i % 7 = 1
so o % 7 = inv(i, 7)

i is in the range of (0, 7), it takes at most 7 operations to find i.

There's one case that we can't find such i: a = 1, which actually means o % 7 = 0.

For subgroup 9:

Let o3 = o % 3
Let a = pow(y, (p-1) // 3, p)
Let b = pow(y, (p-1) // 9 * inv(o3, 3), p)
Find i such that
pow(5, (p-1) // 7, p) = b * pow(a, i + 1, p)
which means
o * i % 9 = 1
so o % 9 = inv(i, 9)

In the case that o % 3 == 0, try again with different y.

To do the exponentiation efficiently, we can calculate it by squaring. and cache those squares.

Once we find the order in each subgroups, we can calculate o using CRT. and y = pow(5, o, p).

Here's the script.