
Attachmentsmisc - 9064 solves

Continuous delivery is awesome.
We deploy our code to production whenever we can.
No code, no vulnerability.
Everything works great.

Overview, Concept and Design Criteria

See pyshv1


Some participants found a unintended solution by copying __builtins__ to module attribute, which is much more powerful than intended solution.

But intended solution is still quite interesting and worth to take a look.


Many things got implemented in this version:

def login(self):
    with open('../flag.txt', 'rb') as f:
        flag =
    flag = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(self.key, flag))
    user = input().encode('ascii')
    user = codecs.decode(user, 'base64')
    user = pickle.loads(user)
    print('Login as ' + + ' - ' +
    user.privileged = False
    user.flag = flag
    self.user = user

def cmd_flag(self):
    if not self.user.privileged:
        print('flag: Permission denied')
        print(bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(self.user.flag, self.key)))

And import is switched back to find_class, so that our monkey patch won't work.

The flag will pop out if user.privileged is truthy value, but it's set to False after our pickle loaded. One solution is overwrite __setattr__ so that the assignment is ignored. It won't work because we also need the user.flag to be set. (Actually, this method is the reason why this strange flag assignment logic exists)


The trick of this version is descriptor, it can overwrite the setter or getter of one specific field.

So we can ignore the assignment of user.privileged while leaving assignment of user.flag keep working.

To build a descriptor, we need to have a class with __set__ method. We can reuse our User class here by adding a __set__ method to it.

Pickle cannot create function, we can only use existed function. Constructor of User is suitable for this case, both of its arity and side effect fit.

After add __set__ function, we can create a descriptor for privileged field. Just create a User instance and store it at User.privileged.

When we accessing user.privileged, it will return the descriptor itself, which is truthy. And the flag will pop out as expected.

You can find the final pickle bytecode here.